Charlie was finally caught - document 3

Posted Jul 16, 2023, 9:46:04 PM UTC

Document 3

Charlie was finally caught a day or two ago, they haven't shown any aggression and did not struggle to get away. We have found out about many things after some testing, Charlie seems to have a second set of teeth and possibly a second pair of jaws inside there mouth. It seems to be used to hold onto prey. Another thing is that there hands can change shape, may also be used for hunting but is still unclear. Many other things where discovered like Charlie hates yellow/gold/blonde bears but no others. More research is still being done and hopefully we will understand what Charlie is

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Charlie PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1456
21 total points
7 approved points



  • Charlie's powers - document 2
  • Charlie's talisman - document 1


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