Got your Back

Posted Dec 4, 2023, 2:29:43 PM UTC

Draw or write your character under the weather - Is it a cold, a headache, or breaking out in rainbow spots? How do they react? What do they do to feel better? Are they a good patient or do they make everyone around them feel as miserable as they are?



Seifer is under the weather in a different way, it's more or less all in his head, but it's not impacting him any less. He struggles with depression and anger from his past, and it's impacting his relationships with others... on purpose but not in a healthy way. 

Rogtuk and Ginger are more patient than he feels like he deserves and have been annoyingly good at not being pushed away, though maybe him admitting to part of what happened to him to Ginger might have something to do with that.


I also just feel like any place Seifer is staying probably has visually interesting, unusual shapes and is probably so open concept it's practically outside. He'd like feeling a breath away from open air and light. 

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  • Dec 4, 2023, 3:01:08 PM UTC
    Ah this looks so good! It's been really fun seeing how the trio's (both sets) relationships have been developing.
    Seifer has supportive friends rather he wants them or not.
    • Dec 4, 2023, 4:32:14 PM UTC
      I imagine that's a really complicated mental knot: wanting them but being trapped in a loop of distrust. <3



Rogtuk PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2473
100 total points
5 approved points
Seifer Horne PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2493
74 total points
5 approved points



  • Reflections
  • Sunny and Fierce
  • A Darker Timeline
  • Oversharing
  • Seifer-The Stag
  • Corn Maze
  • Parkittens
  • Kyan
  • Holding Court


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