Overcoming Pride

Posted Jan 3, 2024, 11:46:53 PM UTC

Prompt #3 - We All Need Help Sometimes

You have little to give, but much need. You limp into Ronin’s shop, too injured to journey farther to the next guild for help. The Ronin takes you in and bandages your wounds, offering you his potions to speed your recovery. Draw or write about your character resting and healing in Ronin’s shop. Your piece must include your injured character and Ronin or his cave shop.


The wound caused by the Godspawn got infected on his way back to safety, leaving Naedithas weakened and with a fever. He got worried that he won't be able to make it but due to a funny coincidence, he stumbled across a sign pointing into a cave with ominous glowing water and a lot of weird looking items stashed behind someone who seemed to be a type of merman.

It didn't take a lot to get help from said man who handed over a potion to the weary traveler. The warrior Naedithas was, he couldn't and didn't want to afford to stay too long.

"Thank you. Without you, I probably wouldn't have made it." With a weak smile Naedithas slid down the cave wall into the warm and soothing water, a pair of eyes resting on him, knowing full fell that he'd be back on his feet in no time. 

"It is my pleasure."

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