Life Energy Crest

Posted Mar 14, 2024, 1:33:48 PM UTC

#95 Draw or write about a talisman for your character. It can be something that is sentimental, magical, or in some way meaningful to your character. 

Rathyn's crest is very important to him because it ensures that his lost body parts are provided with life energy. Without it, his attachments would quickly start to fall apart, rendering him crippled and ugly again. Every time he kills someone to obtain their body parts, he drains the body of its life force as well, channeling it into the purple orb which is connected to the crest.
Around every three months its energy is depleted and if he doesn't find a new victim in time, the fail safe of said crest kicks in, instead draining his own life energy to be able to keep up the illusion. During that time he is extra irritable, grumpy and desperate, well knowing how its shortening his life span. After all he didn't end up in this situation on free will and simply sought for means to be able to live like a normal person.
He crafted it himself after studying very hard for about a year while dabbling into the dark and forbidden arts of alchemy and the law of transmutation.

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  • Mar 15, 2024, 8:37:43 PM UTC
    That gem is like a dollop of tasty jam that I want to eat. Such an interesting item and it's impressive he managed to make it within a year!
    • Mar 15, 2024, 11:02:01 PM UTC
      Now that you mention it, it really looks like some sort of jelly droplet, whoops xD You actually read through my description aw, that makes me really happy thank you Heart