Comment 102252

Comment ID 102252

[Art] Callum import
Jan 19, 2021, 1:01:41 AM UTC on [Art] Callum import
Hello! This design is gorgeous, but there are some things that will need fixing before we can get it approved.

• Frost seems to have an outline and/or resemble bubbles in some parts of the wings, please fix this! Frost cannot have any kind of holes or outlines. I've highlighted where I noticed it the most here:
• Frosted must be lighter than what it sits on top of, but it's darker than what it sits on top of on several parts of the body, resembling Specks; please fix this! I've highlighted them here:
• Burned must be darker than the base coat color, but it's lighter than the base coat in this design, resembling Bleached. Please fix this!
• Burned is not properly blended around the neck, please fix this! Burn needs to be fully blended.
• Beak doesn't fill the minimum coverage; I've overlaid the coverage and pointed out where the coverage is missing here ( yellow is your Beak, white is where it's missing ):
• Blanket is going outside the maximum allowed coverage! I've overlaid the coverage and pointed out where it's going off-coverage here:
• Pangare will need to cover more of the body to count for minimum coverage!
• Tips is going outside the maximum allowed coverage! I've overlaid the coverage and pointed out where it's going off-coverage here:

Once you've made the edits, please submit the design to the Design Corrections forum!
Thank you! 💛

— Sheep


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