Comment 10562

Parent Comment

Aug 1, 2005, 4:05:04 PM UTC
lol, an honoured frog from Québec! Smile Yur hair are probably awesome, an art piece in itself! Wink Well, actually, the red head are more scottish than irish...there are blond irish but i hear that a real irish has black hair. Pale skin, black hair...well...maybe its a cliché to say that a nationality has all black hair or red head. In these days, with the 'mondialisation' (i dont know the word in english) we cant say there is a trademark for a nationality... Anywho, whats yur full name? My grand'ma's name was 'Halpin'

Comment ID 10562

[Art] Dragonfly
Aug 1, 2005, 6:02:55 PM UTC on [Art] Dragonfly
lol I make everything art.. LOL

Well, the English word would be globalization. But, Qui a besoin de l'anglais? Il y a français. Cela est le beaucoup d'améliorer!!


  • Aug 2, 2005, 5:25:18 PM UTC
    Thanks for the word, i was too lazy to get my dictionnary! Lol, yup il y a toujours le francais! Wink
  • Aug 2, 2005, 5:26:08 PM UTC
    Thanks for the word, i was too lazy to get my dictionnary! Lol, yup il y a toujours le francais! Wink
    • Aug 2, 2005, 7:37:50 PM UTC
      lol I used to be like that with Spanish when I first started it. My friend who was teaching me would say "Now say this in Spanish." And I'd say it in German. For some reason, I always wanted to say things in German when she was helping me... lol
      • Aug 3, 2005, 7:04:17 AM UTC
        lol...i think the language area of our brain gets mix up when we learn a new language, i used to do that with searching for a word in spanish and im all proud of myself cuz i found it...but its in english! tee hee....Bisous!
        • Aug 3, 2005, 7:16:25 AM UTC
          Congratulations! It's a good feeling when you did something good and no one helped you, isn't it? ^_^ Bisous!