Comment 113743

Comment ID 113743

Oct 7, 2021, 3:53:15 PM UTC
-- Fern --
Write a riddle.


  • Oct 12, 2021, 1:38:37 AM UTC
    I collect artwork from around the country.
    It costs me thousands to amass.
    I carry it with me everywhere I go, but it weighs nothing...
  • Oct 7, 2021, 10:04:13 PM UTC
    I wriggle,
    I squirm,
    I am around every turn.

    Sometimes here,
    Other times there,
    Always expect me to be somewhere.

    As the darkness that takes your kin,
    I am also known.
    And one day, even YOU,
    Will have a piece of me too...

    WHAT AM I?
  • Oct 28, 2021, 7:51:34 AM UTC
    I glitter and shine brightly, but unobtainable to all.
    I am displayed to the world, but beyond one's reach.
    I am plentiful at night, but dwindle in numbers when exposed to light.
    Who am I?