Comment 114816

Comment ID 114816

Oct 27, 2021, 2:27:25 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Oct 27, 2021 by Sketchies-ARPG
Link to Piece:
Type: General Goof Art
Gift Art/Collaboration/Payment/Commission?: Personal
Event and/or month: N/a
Prompt: N/a

Import Tracker:
Player Log:
Lease permission: n/a

Guide/Trainer Dragon: n/a
​Other DoA Dragon:
- Eliminate failure chance when Exploring.
- Provides an additional +2SP bonus when drawn with the Aqrion owner.
Eel: abilities n/a
- Adds +1 SP to all images/literature depicting it's owner.

Guiders perk: Samoa should have booster by now.
*Booster: All Aqrion present in art alongside this Aqrion gain +5sp (including itself)
Sickle: abilities n/a
Tradesman: n/a for SP counting
Trainer: n/a for SP counting
*Booster: All Aqrion present in art alongside this Aqrion gain +5sp (including itself)

SP Count:
The SP can be broken down as following;
For the top two and bottom two headshots.
Bust - 2
Grey scale - 2
Shaded - 1
Personal - 1
Companion - 1
Slug bonus - 2
Wisp bonus - 1
Spessy booster - 5
Personal - 1
Total: 16

Total SP for headshots
16 X 4 = 64

The middle left one.
Half body - 3
Grey scale - 3
Shading - 2
Extra dragon - 3
Companion - 1
Slug boost - 2
Wisp - 1
Spessy Boost - 5
Samoa boost - 5
Personal - 1
Total SP - 26

The middle left one.
Half body - 3
Grey scale - 3
Shading - 2
Companion - 1
Slug boost - 2
Wisp - 1
Spessy Boost - 5
Personal - 1
Total SP - 18

GRAND TOTAL across all pieces
64 + 18 + 26 = 108sp
