Comment 11627

Comment ID 11627

[Art] Mikail 'The Dragonblood'
Aug 9, 2005, 9:20:56 PM UTC on [Art] Mikail 'The Dragonblood'
The sheer brutishness of this one I think you already know. The details mind boggling. The design, spectacular. You, on the virge of insanity.

Geez Andy, you always seem to out do yourself with every new pic I see. Why don't you go and drink a few shots of whiskey and mellow out while I try to catch up.


  • Aug 10, 2005, 2:27:10 AM UTC
    On the verge of insanity eh? Ha ha ha ha, cheers Lloyd. Whiskey! Yep, I'll rack em up, you knock em down. Cheers Mate!