Comment 121924

Comment ID 121924

[Art] The Gardens
Jan 28, 2022, 7:03:13 PM UTC on [Art] The Gardens
Your use of color here is delightful! It's vibrant but cool, and emphasizes his pearly scales very well.The piece has a nice sense of movement too, following the curve of his swimming form.


  • Feb 3, 2022, 9:40:49 PM UTC
    Thanks again!! ♡

    I'm trying to work more on a depth perception, but that is very difficult. Very much underestimated it ><. Don't know how you (yes you) do that! Specifically thinking of this one:

    Which I haven't even commented on though I've had in my favs for a while :o. Shame. Brb.
    • Feb 4, 2022, 2:46:17 AM UTC
      It can be tricky to work on, but it is worth the effort! Part of it is thinking through how much things shrink with distance, and some of it is understanding how much detail tapers off. There's probably some good tutorials and tips to be found online! I've practiced at it for a long time- a lot of people don't include backgrounds in the majority of their art, but I do, so it's given me loads of practice with the subject. Thank you, I didn't comment here with the expectation of being complimented, haha!