Comment 13075

Comment ID 13075

[Art] Whispersilk Cloak shading
Aug 23, 2005, 1:40:16 PM UTC on [Art] Whispersilk Cloak shading
Nice cloak Chris. *whistles* I have never played Magic the Gathering before. I lead a very sheltered life. However, the different degrees of shading you achieved on this are really quite good. it gives the whole cloak dimension. Very nicely done sweetie pie. ^_^ All my love.


  • Aug 23, 2005, 2:09:39 PM UTC
    Thanks very much luv Smile The darned shading felt like it was taking forever, like I was saying OMG when can I stop? lol, I hate going through the same exact shade one at a time lol. Thanks for the comment, love ya!
    • Aug 23, 2005, 2:29:07 PM UTC
      That is the worst part of doing shading hun. By the time you are done, it feels like your hand is going to fall off. >_< But you can rest assured that you have done a wonderful job and you can be quite proud of yourself for all that work. Love yas too. ^_^