Comment 132767

Comment ID 132767

Oct 13, 2022, 3:40:11 PM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Oct 26, 2022 by 6ftDemon vs.
Battle Image/Lit: xx

Your Rank: Razorbeak
Your Items: Corruption, harpy, plasma breath

Boss Battle?: No
Are you a Champion?: No

Auto-Heal if KO'd?: x3 standard mash in inventory

Roll with shenanigans?: Yes


  • Jan 4, 2023, 5:23:32 AM UTC
    Ready for the fight to begin, Uproar 13009' body tenses in preparation. Morkeleb 12519 darts back and forth in front of their opponent erratically, ready to attack.
    Morkeleb 12519 acts a moment too late and is overtaken by Uproar 13009.
    TURN 0
    Uproar 13009 makes a move at Morkeleb 12519 only to have Morkeleb 12519 dodge agilely.
    Morkeleb 12519 launches themself at Uproar 13009, but forgot to look where they were stepping and got tangled in some netting.
    TURN 1
    Uproar 13009 snaps their teeth at Morkeleb 12519's neck, with a clack of their jaws they come away with only air.
    Morkeleb 12519 builds up a charge, feathers rising with static, before latching onto Uproar 13009 and discharging electricity into them.
    Uproar 13009 feels the electricty jolt through them for 5 damage and feels disoriented.
    Uproar 13009 shrieks in indignation as Morkeleb 12519' harpy drops out of the sky and lands on their head, dealing 2 damage.
    Using their surroundings, Morkeleb 12519 manages to get in a lucky blow for 22 damange, startling Uproar 13009.
    Morkeleb 12519 does 22 total damage to Uproar 13009
    TURN 2
    Uproar 13009 finds themselves stunned and unable to move, the sound of electricty crackling in their ears.
    Uproar 13009 catches Morkeleb 12519 and they brawl briefly, but as dramatic as the flying feathers and screaming are, both emerge with damage only done to their pride.
    Lunging forwards with Morkeleb 12519, Morkeleb 12519' harpy slashes Uproar 13009 for 2 damage.
    Using their surroundings, Morkeleb 12519 manages to get in a lucky blow for 22 damange, startling Uproar 13009.
    Morkeleb 12519 does 22 total damage to Uproar 13009
    Morkeleb 12519 has triumphed, defeating Uproar 13009 in a dramatic feat of strength. Morkeleb 12519 is the VICTOR!
    Morkeleb 12519 has done 44 total damage!
    Uproar 13009 has done 0 total damage!
    Morkeleb 12519 earns 10 VALOR!

    Morkeleb 12519 ends the fight with 100 health.
    Uproar 13009 ends the fight with 56 health.

    Morkeleb 12519 walks away with:
    <a href=""> 1 Lily Flowers </a>
    <a href=""> 1 Metal Scrap </a>