Comment 137396

Comment ID 137396

[Art] For the Sake of Keeping
Jan 1, 2023, 3:09:33 PM UTC on [Art] For the Sake of Keeping
*wipes tears* oh, so you had to start the year like this, huh... ❤️


  • Jan 2, 2023, 12:13:02 AM UTC
    Are these sad tears or happy tears I did not mean to be an onion :<

    I was wondering if it was better to consider it as a year-end or a year-start drawing; think I'll call it a bridge drawing ^-^ Here's to happy adventures and good memories! <3
    • Jan 2, 2023, 3:17:03 PM UTC
      hehe, i'll never be sad seeing paiko~
      here's to the adventures we get to see him on this year!