Comment 140509

Comment ID 140509

[Art] Roiling tales [Latent Element]
Feb 19, 2023, 2:26:39 PM UTC on [Art] Roiling tales [Latent Element]
Really do love how you did the texture of the water on this one - that and the concept really provide a unique way of using the element in a more passive way.
Question; can he do this with other liquids too? I like the idea of using dyed water to have different participants/characters in the stories.


  • Feb 24, 2023, 11:33:13 PM UTC
    Waugh, tysm!!

    He definitely can - one of his "party tricks" is using spilt beer on countertops to jokingly scold some of the rowdier cliental, and has probably used it for something similar? but I'm definitely going to have to steal the dyed water idea thank you xoxoxo