Comment 147583

Parent Comment

Aug 30, 2023, 5:03:07 PM UTC
What did she /do/?

Comment ID 147583

Aug 30, 2023, 5:11:14 PM UTC on [Writing] Food
I think the best example was the Minute Rice.
I spent -years- thinking rice was just... gross. Because she'd make minute rice for stuff and it always hit the plate looking like tiny maggots. She hated cooking SO MUCH she couldn't even follow the directions on the easiest rice I've ever set up, so it was overcooked and all exploded. Otherwise: lots of canned or limp frozen stuff. It was just... unpleasant.


  • Aug 30, 2023, 5:25:48 PM UTC
    Goodness that all sounds so bad. I love rice.
    Shit I love mushrooms. I never heard of canned mushrooms before. That sounds like hell.
    • Aug 30, 2023, 8:40:54 PM UTC
      I see them in the store, as well as jarred ones. I guess they're good if you need something that will just... live for ages in the cabinet but?? Sort of in the vein of canned asparagus.