Comment 19058

Comment ID 19058

[Art] Recognised
Nov 17, 2005, 1:44:42 PM UTC on [Art] Recognised
Yarr!! Breth is back with his more-than-idiotic rantle, but moving on!

This pic is Awesome!! It's just... Wow! Big Smile Oddly enough, this pic reminds me of a tree, that is glistering from the light, as the frost has made a small cover of ice to it... :-\

Two Thumbs Up up, way up!!


  • Nov 18, 2005, 9:27:50 PM UTC
    YAY! I've missed your more-than-idiotic rantling.

    A tree, you say? Hm, how odd and interesting all at once. I suppose that a tree IS a symbol of life, and spirituality is supposed to be the stem of you life essence, so there's that whole conection there... (wow, that was a lot of BS.)

    I'm glad you like it, Joni! Embarrassed