Comment 20844

Comment ID 20844

[Art] In the Meadow...
Dec 14, 2005, 7:30:50 AM UTC on [Art] In the Meadow...
This is absolutely beautiful sweetheart. O.O
I love the amount of detail you put into it and still managed to keep it all together without one thing taking away from the other. I love the girl in the center, there's so much grace to her, and I just love her expression. You put her together with the two kids next to her. You did the butterfly wings really well. Did you use reference? Anyhow I totally adore it my dear, I'm adding this to my faves. Love ya.Smile


  • Dec 14, 2005, 12:04:30 PM UTC
    Thank you so very much Maria. I think that was one of the more difficult aspects of this drawing. Making them all have their different values so they didn't take away from each other and trying to make the characters live in perfect harmony with the background. I had to figure out which parts of the grass needed to be darker and lighter so as not to draw the eye down to the bottom of the page away from the characters, and for the leaves, I had to make sure I changed things up with those so they wouldn't blend in together... arrrggg! There is so much to remember when trying to achieve balance in a drawing. Especially one that has such an involved background like this. I did use references for a couple of the poses. Just to see exactly what should go where in the different poses. I used reference for the large fairy and the satyr. But the others were drawn from trial and error. LOL I did use reference for the butterfly wings. The good thing about butterfly wings is that if you draw them once, it is easy to remember how to draw them again. They are not too terribly difficult to do. Thank goodness. I am so happy that you really like it. I am trying to challenge myself now to catch the things that are wrong before I post now. I want to start making my drawings look awesome. Not just good. So thank you for noticing my hard work. That means so much to me. All my love to you. mwah!