Comment 22754

Parent Comment

Jan 13, 2006, 5:37:40 PM UTC
Doh! >_< I know the folds in the dress suck, don't they? I always have a problem with drawing clothes. Really really. I always struggle through it. If you have any helpful hints on this, please please PLEASE help me! I totally suck at that! I am glad that you like it despite that though. I like how the sand turned out. That's always a plus, right? All my love to you hun. Mwah! *huggles*

Comment ID 22754

[Art] Calendar Gurlz - August
Jan 15, 2006, 9:46:40 AM UTC on [Art] Calendar Gurlz - August
Haha My dear they do not "suck". Nothing artistic wise "sucks", except for very few exceptions every now and then. (Im not talking about you personally, I am talking about anyone and everyone who draws. Because if there is anything I could say about your art, its that none of it at all "sucks".)

What I try and do, is just picture a real person in that same pose, and imagining how and where the light hits it. Then I imagine how gravity would pull down the dress towards the ground, thinking of the crevices and the small wrinkles. Then I go back to the light and shade in the areas that would be considered to be moe hidden from that light.

Thats pretty much how I do all of my folds and whatnot.


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