Comment 23276

Comment ID 23276

[Art] Elijah Wood - Revised
Jan 21, 2006, 11:08:23 AM UTC on [Art] Elijah Wood - Revised
Bluer than blue, those eyes..... Beautiful render, dahling. You've done an excellent job with him indeed! *sigh* This makes me want to do more fanart... That's exactly what I'm not supposed to be doing, though... *pout*

*squozes!* All my love to you, wifey.

Mr. Butmer


  • Jan 21, 2006, 4:48:14 PM UTC
    You really like him lovey? Innocent I simply fell in love with the picture I was working from. I have never really seen Mr. Wood look so umm... "manly" I guess. Laughing He has a bit of stubble and everything. I am used to him always being completely shaven and having such a baby face and everything. But this picture gave me a whole new appreciation for him. Yes Smile I thought he looked rather dashing. And know what? If you want to do some fanart, I will keep your secret. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Oh, I have so much to tell you. I think I am going to write you a PM. Yeah... that's what I'll do. All my love, dear husband. Mwah!
    • Jan 22, 2006, 10:23:30 AM UTC
      Yes, he does look rather dashing, doesn't he? Still, it doesn't matter what he does - those baby blues of his are hypnotic. I think he'll still entrance people when he's an old man, with those eyes.

      Yes, I really like him - or at least this portrait of him. You've done a superb job - how could I not? Especially on that hair. That must have taken some time and attention to get so much detail. Wink
      • Jan 22, 2006, 8:33:08 PM UTC
        Oh yes... he will still have my heart. Even when he is old and gray. He is about my age I think. There we go. I will marry Elijah Wood. Laughing Just kidding. And yes hun, that hair took me forever. ANd I don't know where I would be if you hadn't taught me that trick with the eraser for doing the highlights. I LOVE that technique. It is so simple and gives such amazing results. So thank you thank you thank you! *glomps you* I rub you dahling. Mwah!
        • Jan 23, 2006, 8:07:03 PM UTC
          Grin I rub you too, darling. Will talk to ya soon, luv.