Comment 23812

Comment ID 23812

[Art] Ur's princess
Jan 29, 2006, 7:27:10 AM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Jan 29, 2006 by Humority on [Art] Ur's princess
Hey, this is pretty impressive. The only thing that draws my attention is her neck, I think it's a bit thick. Otherwise great job Lili.Big Smile Nice to see you're inspired by history, I haven't seen much art on it. Not lately anyway. I assume she was burried with that jewelery. Wonder how it wasn't stolen. Haven't talked to you for a while. How you're doing, school and all?
"What's the use of one wing if you can't fly?"


  • Jan 29, 2006, 5:40:36 PM UTC
    Thanks Atlantis! The teacher showed us the photo of the skull with all the jewelery and afterward the picture. I thought she looked beautifull. It wasn't stolen because everything was hidden under sand,debris and other civilisation. School...Smile I'll have to pm you about that!
    • Jan 30, 2006, 7:18:07 AM UTC
      Yeah, must've been hard to dig out all the debris and sand. Unlike the Pyramides. lol... Did you know Ur is where Abraham came from? That's what we've been told at judaism class.
      • Jan 30, 2006, 1:19:20 PM UTC
        Laughing yeah they were kinda hard to hide under the sand...something about being big!! Wink Yeah i knew, but thanks for saying it i had forgotten that fact! Smile