Comment 25251

Comment ID 25251

[Art] deep waters
Feb 15, 2006, 10:37:24 PM UTC on [Art] deep waters
That's DEFINETLY more interesting than the first- I like the lighting effect in this one the best. My only critique is that is it quite fuzzy. It's a little hard to describe, but when you look at it, it looks out of focus cause there isn't anything with a solid edge on it except that eye. I stongly suggest going over this picture with a brush that isn't quite solid, but can give it more of an edge. It'll make it look more seperated from the water, and make it easier to see the details. This make a little sence? ^^;


  • Feb 16, 2006, 6:40:35 PM UTC
    well actually, the fuzzy look was what i was trying to stress the most... perhapse i might have done it too much? oh well, thank you ^^
    • Feb 17, 2006, 2:25:10 PM UTC
      Cause it's water? Water would bend the edges, not neccesarily blur them (Unless the horse is ment to be blurred cause it's not real?)- I'd use blurring to make something in the background seem unimportant. My suggestion is surfing the net for underwater pictures and see how it's effected in that. Water lightens everything with a fluid feel, but it doesn't make it blurry. just darkens as it get further back.

      My rule of thumb is to make anything the subject sharp though. It's only an opinion Smile
      • Feb 17, 2006, 6:11:18 PM UTC
        okiesm you'r rule makes sence to me ^^ darn i really tried for the blurred look,haha. ohwell thank you for the help Smile
        • Feb 17, 2006, 6:22:06 PM UTC
          Well, blurred isn't bad- why did you want a blurred look?
          • Feb 17, 2006, 10:47:29 PM UTC
            because the original one was done in blurr and people liked it, so i fugured i should stick with it Tongue lol, ohwell though.
            • Feb 17, 2006, 11:27:17 PM UTC
              There's nothing wrong with a blur- its just whether it suits it or not. Most people love my drawings of guys where they are all hot and sultry, but I can't always draw them like that. I figure that if you draw the picture to convey a messege, then that is better than drawing an audiance. My suggestion- don't go for what others want you to do, unless they have a valid reason. Just cause someone says a character has to be drawn some way, doesn't mean that they should. Draw what's in your heart. If your heart still wants it to be blurry, then nothing I can say can change that. Art is about the artist expressing something. I can only suggest how I feel things react.

     this is a perfect example of what I think you thought would happen. The fish are hazy, butit's not cause they are blurred- it's cause there is fragments in the water that block the image of the fish from being seen by the viewer (the rest of it is jpg blurring the picture to heck ^^; )

              Basically, all I'm doing is giing a suggestion to make it more realistic, but at the end of the day, if you think it should be blurry for a reason, then make it blurry. All I'm doing is suggesting that It would sill be sharp Smile
              • Feb 20, 2006, 5:51:26 PM UTC
                yeah, i seewhat you mean, and now that i'mm looking at it with a fresh eye i have to agree, i love the way the face came out, and i think it would look better if the whole thing was done with that feel, thankies for continuing to press the issue, lol. (i'm not trying to say that in a rude way, just couldn't think of howto put it,hehe.) i'll give it a shot right now ^^
                • Feb 20, 2006, 8:49:44 PM UTC
                  Sorry about that Smile I just wanted you to understand that just cause I suggested something that it should be gospel. You may have a totally different idea for something- often someone querrys how I finished something, and there is always a reason. And they're always like- duh, of corse that is the subject, which is why you did all that weird **insert what I did in a strange way**

                  Its all about artist expression. Break the rules as much as you want, just leave a few together, so we can fully appreciate the subject too Wink
                  • Feb 20, 2006, 9:00:34 PM UTC
                    lol,okies.thank you very much for the insite... grrr, i fixed it on my other computer, and the internet's not working on it... Tongue oh well, maybe i'll post it tomorrow... hey, have a question... should i just use the edit tools and replace the old version with the fixed up version, or just repost it?? yeah.. i still don't know what i'm doing when it comes to this i should get over my lazyness and read the rules fully some thanx again Big Smile
                    • Feb 21, 2006, 2:42:20 AM UTC
                      I think if you upload over the old one it updates them to a rescent pic... You'll have to ask BR how that works...
                      • Feb 21, 2006, 6:14:07 PM UTC
                        don't you go to edit art or sumthin? Ponder well, my comp's workin again so i'll put it up now ^^
                        • Feb 21, 2006, 9:37:15 PM UTC
                          The sharper version does look alot nicer Smile
                          • Feb 22, 2006, 6:04:05 PM UTC
                            yay! lol, let's throw a party!!! thanx again for the critz ^^ i liked it a lot better when i changed it too Grin