Comment 27928

Parent Comment

Mar 22, 2006, 11:30:37 AM UTC
You want to marry me? That I can do, but as for kissing you, uh, then I'd get cooties. You do know that you boys have cooties right? But I may be able to overlook that considering that I have rabies. Ponder As for running away with you, umm, I don't like to run. Perhaps can I just walk really really fast? You know I love you more than jelly beans. Yes And heaven's sake, love, you are listening to Hanson? For cripes sake you could at least listen to the Backstreet boys or old school New Kids on the Block or something. I must admit something to you. This may come as a shock, but, I once went to a New Kids on the Block concert when I was younger! Cry I am so ashamd. I was young and impressionable! I blame the media.

Comment ID 27928

[Art] Calendar Gurlz - November
Mar 24, 2006, 3:58:13 PM UTC on [Art] Calendar Gurlz - November
Cooties!!? What the hell is a cootie?? I think I heard it on the Simpsons once and I remember thinking it must have been something like a knit... An insect that lurks around in hair eh? That all the grebs used to have in school? And then the teacher would say "No, actually they are only attracted to clean hair.." Bollocks! How come only the great unwashed ever end up with them then?? Teachers and their lies!! I do however see it's yet another example of Americans making up words to make english people look stupid cos it then looks like we can't speak our own language!! Why I aughta! ...

Anyhoo, it sounds like my kiss and impending marriage has gone out of the window due to my lice infestation. Little bloody critters!! And they were so looking forward to leaping over and setting up home in your crimson locks... Swine! Another one bites the dust... maybe I should alter my pulling technique... you'd be suprised at how few times this works...


  • Mar 25, 2006, 1:58:14 PM UTC
    Nono luv... that isn't what cooties are. Cooties are those pesky invisible girl germs. That is why all the little boys run away from us when we are young. Besides, I would still marry you even if you had lice. I so wanted to inherit lice from you. Dagnabbit. <--- Smooth huh? I am so suave. It is the comb-over. As for those darn teachers... oy... that is another matter all together. They once tried to tell me that elephants never forget. Ha! I am not so naive to their ways. They never did tell me what it is exactly that elephants never forget. And how exactly would they know if elephants never forget? I don't know about you, but my elephant speaking skills are a tad rusty. Well anyways, here's to lice dahling. <--- I am going for the really thick British accent there. I am so good. Smile
    • Mar 26, 2006, 1:33:07 AM UTC
      Fear not, on our wedding night you can have all the lice you want... They'll make a brand new home in your martian moonscape hair and you'll never be alone again! Lucky girl! A night of passion amidst the insect covered sheets! Just how you pictured your wedding night I'm sure...

      I always thought that about elephants... if they're so brainy why do they let birds sit on their heads picking away at them... If a bird sat on my head and starting noshing away and i had a hosepipe stuck to my face it wouldn't take long to smash the little flying freak over the garden fence... Idiots! Big grey idiots!
      • Mar 26, 2006, 9:42:19 AM UTC
        Oh that is exactly the type of wedding night every girl dreams about when she is young. Innocent I am such a lucky girl aren't I?
        As for those crazy elephants, I think they have lost more than we have, my dear. I wish I had a big hosepipe stuck to my face. >_< Okay,well there really isn't any way for me to say that without it sounding dirty. But it would have come in handy a couple years ago. I was on a merry ole walk and all of a sudden a bird started to dive-bomb at my head! I think it wanted to peck my eyeses out! Damn birds anyhow. But someone once told me that elephants don't ever forget their clothes because they have such large trunks. Yes, believe it or not, there are people out there whom are cornier than I. Oh that was impeccable use of grammar there. I deserve a cookie for that. Smile
        • (anonymous)
          Apr 2, 2006, 10:13:34 AM UTC
          still... at least you got your moneys worth out of that years christmas cracker eh?.... I think thats one of my moms favourite jokes actually... bloody hell, you're in trouble.