Comment 29082

Comment ID 29082

[Art] + Forest Stream +
Apr 11, 2006, 3:58:35 PM UTC on [Art] + Forest Stream +
I find that art isn't a competition, and I would never enter an art competition, but I can see how you could see so otherwise. I do recommend that you take these things with a grain of salt, as art can be a very subjective thing. Even if someone states that they believe x, y, and z elements of something is objectively worse or better, I find that one is still comparing things that are made from the realms of the imagination and can be akin to picking favorite colors.

As for the piece, I think it's excellent. I like the very bright style.


  • Apr 11, 2006, 7:05:02 PM UTC
    Thanks very much, Qcvar! I don't like doing them myself but I had to go in on this one. My friends dragged me into it. XD

    I agree. There are people who will love a piece when another would trow it away.