Comment 30651

Parent Comment

May 5, 2006, 7:00:12 AM UTC | Total Edits: 3 | Last edited on May 5, 2006 by Cokekitty
Ooh, very nice. I do kinda see where BogusRed is coming from on the awkward position, but you do have a point on how Asian dragons tend to do that.

I really love the scales. It's very cool that no two scales seem to look alike. That's shibby, and it shows you put a lot of work into it. The claws also got my attention. They're very nice. Very Happy

Now to the head. The whisker-like things seem to be a little thick (I've done reports on dragons for school assignments, so I hope I know what I'm talking about. What?) but maybe you were aiming for that. Most of the pictures I've found of Eastern Dragon's whiskers had kinda thinner ones, though. Other than that, the head is great. The detail's immense, especially around the mane.

I do see the combination of Western dragon (especially around the thick claws and the angry eyes) and Eastern, but I think the Eastern side shows the most.

Overall, very nice! And that, my good friend, is the first all out evaluation I've ever done in my entire life. Laughing Whoo, what a workout for my poor fingers! I hope that was a good enough roasting for ya.


Wave Welcome to Paperdemon! Giggle
Hug I hope you like it here!

Comment ID 30651

[Art] Dragon
May 5, 2006, 9:16:14 AM UTC on [Art] Dragon
Thanks, For the Roast it was tasty. I teacher once told me you can't draw what you do not know. You are probably right I need a lil more research on Oriental dragons. We'll see if I do another, I'll keep an eye on The limbs and the whiskers.



  • May 5, 2006, 7:23:25 PM UTC
    Shibby!! Giggle Well, I'm glad I could help. I'm always worried about offending people with crit, but I'm really glad to see you took it well. Smile So thank YOU, too!