Comment 35522

Comment ID 35522

[Art] Gaer'yt cont. 4
Jun 27, 2006, 3:47:53 AM UTC on [Art] Gaer'yt cont. 4
O.O I haven't checked your gallery in a while... It looks great this far.Yes I love the interior, methinks Gaer'yt blends well in it. I love that ornament on that pillar, it looks very hard to do! Don't think I could've done something like that.No Btw, I'm curious how does he find hid way around with that blindfold? Anyhow, good luck finishing it.Smile


  • Jun 29, 2006, 11:41:11 PM UTC
    Well i'm glad you came by and left a comment.That knot work was hard to do and I probably won't be trying it again for sometime. As for the blindfold you'll have to ask Minimaid about the details on that one. This is for a long overdue art-trade with her. Oh and thanks for the luck!! I'm gonna need it.
    • Jul 2, 2006, 1:49:35 AM UTC
      You're very welcome.Corky Smile But I see you've already finished it so I'm going to see the finished piece now.Yes