Comment 36116

Comment ID 36116

[Art] Fai x Kuro-Pi
Jul 5, 2006, 4:39:34 PM UTC on [Art] Fai x Kuro-Pi
Big Kitty and Big Puppy!
I love Fye and Kurogane, heck Fye is the whole reason I watch this series. I put up with all the whiney, baby voiced, stupid and weak, one-dimensional personality, clamp's trademark ditzy girl characters just so I can watch Fye pick on Kuro.



  • Jul 5, 2006, 11:13:00 PM UTC
    *nods* Sakura does -not- come off well in the anime. She's kinda sweeter in the manga, but she does spend a large chunk of the first couple of books asleep...

    Fai and Kuro-pi's relationship is just too awesome, isn't it?
    • Jul 6, 2006, 8:08:05 AM UTC
      Most of Clamps "heroines" are disgustingly babyish and helpless. They grate on my nerves. The only reason I watch Tsubasa is for Fye and Kurogane, they are great "frenimies".
      • Jul 7, 2006, 5:24:09 AM UTC
        Some of CLAMP's females have been nifty, like Arashi and Satsuki, but... yeah, most of the heroines have been pretty angsy and whiny. I guess it's a popular thing in Japan, but it's still annoying. x.x Sakura isn't quite so annoying in the manga though, I was quite shocked how suddenly useless and breathy she was in the anime...

        Hehe, I love the term 'frenimies'. ^_^