Comment 45078

Comment ID 45078

[Art] [WIP-1] Nightrunner
Oct 11, 2006, 7:28:43 AM UTC on [Art] [WIP-1] Nightrunner
this is realy amezing allready!!I relly love the details and shadows + pose! =D

andd if I can say one lil thing that bugs me a bit... is the midle finger of that woman it's too bold maby you can make that part(on the right side) a lil darker with shadows so you can see it's bent over the hand of that boy..(hope that made sence lolx) ) anyways can't Wait to see it finished! <3


  • Oct 11, 2006, 11:31:47 AM UTC
    There is no woman in this picture.

    Seregil is supposed to have "bold hands" he's a swordsman. (I presume you're talking about Seregil. The Man with the long hair.)

    • Oct 12, 2006, 5:42:44 AM UTC
      ups X_X sorry hope your not offended by that ..^^;;;; and yeah but one finger is thicker then the others... but i'll just shut up X_X -_-;;;
      • Oct 13, 2006, 1:03:46 AM UTC
        Nope not offended and I think what's throwing you is the foreshortening on that digit.

        It's sticking out closer to the camera than the others... and because it's overlapping the ring and index fingers it looks thicker (and it is)

        It's partically perspective, camera angle and probably a little over exaggeration on my part too.

        Not enough I'm gonna worry about it after the fact though. ^_^