Comment 51498

Comment ID 51498

[Art] Pheonix Rising
Apr 3, 2007, 5:01:14 PM UTC on [Art] Pheonix Rising
Oh, my good golly gosh! O.O This is beautiful! And if I weren't scared to death of needles, I'd ask if I could use it as a tattoo design as well. Smile But, I'm scared to death of needles, so I don't see that happening. THAT, and I'm only fifteen, but that's a minor setback. Laughing



  • Apr 3, 2007, 10:00:35 PM UTC
    If you're going to get a tattoo, I always recommend artists to design their own, it's more personal and a statement in and of itself.


    Advertise on your body!

    • Apr 4, 2007, 7:34:39 AM UTC
      Yeah, that's a good point. Laughing All the same, I'm still too young...and scared of needles. o_O But if I ever get the bollucks to go get a tattoo, I'll keep that in mind! Big Smile