Comment 5399

Parent Comment

Jun 28, 2005, 9:41:32 AM UTC
lol, i does hurt!!!!!!!!! I could tolerate but its no cinecure! My tattoo is a tribal dragon between my shoulder blade, good idea you had to post it! Maybe you should start a gallery?!

Comment ID 5399

[Art] My tattoo
Jun 28, 2005, 12:20:52 PM UTC on [Art] My tattoo
Maybe you are just a wuss! LOL Just kidding. I didn't say it didn't hurt, I just said that it doesn't hurt as bad as people think it does. ^_^ Besides yours is in a different spot than mine so, that spot is probably more sensitive than the lower back. I would love to see your dragon tattoo. I LOVE tribal art. It is so bold and it really commands attention. I bet it's neat. Take a page out of my book and draw yours. That would be neat. I had someone take a picture of mine and then I drew it. I came, I saw, I drew. ^_^


  • Jun 28, 2005, 7:14:12 PM UTC
    lol, maybe i am, snif snif, when the girl finished my tattoo, i ask to go to the bathroom, which was downstair where no one could hear me, lol, as soon as i saw my white face in the mirror i went: AAAAAAAAAH! Lol, but i dont regret it, i love it and want another one. You know the only place it really hurt was when the gun (the thingy they use to make the tattoo) was on my spine and near my shoulder blade... almost unbearable, luckely she stopped often! I'll try to draw it as soon as i can, after i finish my (it sounds as if i'll have dessert after i eat my veggies)
    • Jun 28, 2005, 7:18:34 PM UTC
      My dessert WOULD be my Veggies! LOL He'd be the main course too. Wink I can't wait until you draw it. it sounds pretty wicked. I want another one too. I don't know where I want to put it. I am thinking I want it on my foot. I am always barefoot and a vine of flowers on my foot would look so pretty. I think it would hurt just a little. *said sarcastically* I have heard that the tattoos hurt worse when they are close to a bone. Ouch! The only part of mine that made me wince was when they had to poke the needle of the gun in pretty far to put the white touches on the flower in the middle. Other than that, it wasn't so bad. I love tattoos.
      • Jun 28, 2005, 7:44:16 PM UTC
        Can you imagine an entiere meal of veggies... delicious!Laughing For my next one i think i want another dragon, im not really sure yet, but i do want it on my ankle, something running around my ankle it would be nice...dunno still thinking! But something i'd really want is a tattoo on my face, theres an x-men caracter that has a tattoo on her face, i'll try to draw it its wicked i want one just like her! But i can kiss my hope to be a high scool teacher good bye if i do that!
        • Jun 28, 2005, 7:49:10 PM UTC
          Yeah, though the students would probably find it very cool. I don't think I'd be able to handle one on my face. But then again, I survived child birth, so who knows?
          • Jun 29, 2005, 9:23:17 AM UTC
            Yeh i think the student would like it...but i dont think i'll get it done...maybe one day if zombies wlak the earth and it doesnt matter whether i have a tattoo on my face or i can still hope Wink How old is you child? Im curious! Smile
            • Jun 29, 2005, 9:39:43 AM UTC
              My son is 9. He is the one that got me hooked on Dragonball Z. Funny, huh? I think if zombies start running around I will be hiding. I hate zombies. They probably smell really bad, huh? Sick I hope to get another tattoo soon. It is very addicting, isn't it?
              • Jun 29, 2005, 10:02:37 AM UTC
                9! So you must have had him young than (im so good in math). Lol, im so crazy on cartoons that i'll force my future child to watch it with me!Wacko Lol, if zombies are runnig around, i'll have a sniper on a rooftop :devil:

                They say once you have a tattoo, you have to have another one, and another...
                • Jun 29, 2005, 12:05:44 PM UTC
                  I had him when I was 16. He is a cool kid. He is 9 going on 40! The stuff he says sometimes is so funny. He completely amazes me.
                  About the tattoos, I know. They are very addicting. My sister has about 7 or 8 of them. I designed one of her last ones.
                  • Jun 29, 2005, 4:05:28 PM UTC
                    Ah they say kids are the best philosopher! Cool about yur sis tattoo...and you said you couldn't draw tsk tsk Wink