Comment 55509

Comment ID 55509

[Art] Catherine's Gryphon
Aug 23, 2007, 2:24:27 PM UTC on [Art] Catherine's Gryphon
AHHH!!! He's got such cute little paws!! He looks like a little baby griffin :3

Critique though... I suggest bumping up the contrast so black is black, and to use more intense shadows (on the griffin) so that the black background isn't so cut/paste. Black back grounds are fine as long as it's complimented.

Lastly I suggest watching your pencil textures. You've got alot of parallel brush strokes there which look flat cause there's no natural variation. I suggest using a scribble rather than lines to tone your pics- maybe even using a smudge stick or your finger to soften the tone, then put concrete under it to give a texture as you rub it or something. Hope that helps ^^


  • Aug 23, 2007, 5:39:08 PM UTC
    Thanks for the advice. I see what you mean, especially about stroke variation. Again, thanks.