Comment 58624

Comment ID 58624

[Art] Beyond
Sep 20, 2007, 10:21:05 PM UTC on [Art] Beyond
The sky is very moving and full of life. I think it's my favorite part. The branch leading up is well done, also, and my eye is really drawn to the white portions, which are well-played in the rest of the piece, especially with her outfit.

I'm not that fond of her height in comparison to the trees -- she looks like a giant in a snow-globe. ^^; Some background hazing (muting the colors a bit?) might work to eliminate that weird, disproportionate feeling.


  • Sep 23, 2007, 7:26:55 PM UTC
    Thank you. ^^ I was mostly finished with this piece, and still figuring out what color to make her outfit when my friend, in a pure stroke of brilliance said, "Why don't you just keep it white?" xD And the sky is actually supposed to be the ocean, from below. As for the scale, it's supposed to be looking mostly up at her, which would make the foreground look much higher than it actually is. I messed it up, but that was the original intent xD