Comment 62744

Comment ID 62744

[Art] Kael Character Art
Nov 27, 2007, 8:44:32 PM UTC on [Art] Kael Character Art
I love all the texture you put in to this. It's not often that people take texture in to consideration so awesome work as always ^_^


  • Nov 30, 2007, 9:15:35 PM UTC
    Thank you Big Smile I've been seriously getting into textures lately. It's always been my opinion that you get your shading techniques down, but after that, textures are the most important thing to progress to. Otherwise, everything just looks the same.
    • Dec 1, 2007, 1:14:20 AM UTC
      You're welcome! ^_^ Yeah you're completely right. Have to get those values down first before you start working on other complex things.