Comment 70914

Comment ID 70914

[Art] There's still rage inside
Jul 18, 2008, 6:01:45 AM UTC on [Art] There's still rage inside
This is a pretty portrait! I suppose that's strange to say for a picture of someone brooding, but my mental thesaurus was failing at anything more appropriate. Ponder To be honest, from the thumbnail I thought this was a portrait of Drake from "FAKE" by Sanami Matoh - he's a total dead ringer for him. Big Smile Of all of the elements of this piece, I think I'm particularly drawn to the stubble - I think it adds just that extra bit of personality to an otherwise simple portrait.


  • Jul 20, 2008, 2:06:25 AM UTC
    Never heard of that character before. Is he from a book or a comic? But anyway thanks I'm glad you like it Yes I thought the stubble gave him some life so I'm happy it shows ^_^
    • Jul 20, 2008, 9:13:05 AM UTC
      It's a seven volume manga series and a single volume OAV. The OAV is meh for quality and doesn't really give any new content - it's just one of the stories from volume 2 of the manga. The author (Sanami Matoh) just started a sequel series last year that hasn't been licensed yet.

      I discovered, upon doing a Google search, that there is not enough Drake Parker love on the web. XD Here's a pic I cropped from a scanlation - the guy on the left is Drake, and the guy on the right (who's face is pretty obscured in that shot) is his partner, Jemmy J (JJ) Adams.

      This page has more information about the series if you're interested. Big Smile