Comment 71436

Comment ID 71436

[Art] Paper Demon of Gotham City
Aug 5, 2008, 3:10:04 PM UTC on [Art] Paper Demon of Gotham City
Yes, I do see the reference, but its such a natural thing for the joker that I didn't spot it till you mentioned it ^^ Nice work ^^


  • Aug 5, 2008, 3:52:08 PM UTC
    Thank you!

    I had figured it'd go largely unnoticed, since as you mentioned - it's all too natural for him. I just didn't want to chance anyone capslocking a spoiler or something. XD
    • Aug 6, 2008, 3:45:34 PM UTC
      Fair enough Smile Although its not really spoilerish. Quoting the scene it came from would be. Its not as if people didn't know it was gonna happen sooner or later Wink
      • Aug 6, 2008, 6:02:58 PM UTC
        INORITE? XD It just wouldn't be Batman vs. Joker if dear Mr. J didn't end up upside down at some point. Laughing