Comment 76105

Comment ID 76105

[Art] A Ruby Surrounded By Sapphires
Feb 7, 2009, 4:32:47 AM UTC on [Art] A Ruby Surrounded By Sapphires
Wow, the way it's all put together is sweet! A lovely display of many key characters.

Your fanfic interests me. Though, is Sheik a male or female in your version (both are A-OK with me).

Lovely art style. Your lines are well cleaned and the coloring is nice and soft. And you can really see that you can draw faces from all kinds of angles, directions, and expressions. :3


  • Feb 7, 2009, 4:05:24 PM UTC
    Sheik is male in the story. Actually, the story is more about him than anyone else. Then again, it's told from first person of his perspective ^^;; The story is posted here if you want to read it.

    I'm glad you liked the artwork!! I'm STILL proud of that linework.
    • Feb 8, 2009, 2:44:51 AM UTC
      Oh, Sheik POV sounds awesome. Well, I'll definately get around to reading it pretty soon. :3

      You very well should still be, and should stay proud of the line work! And the outfit designs. :3