Comment 7919

Comment ID 7919

[Art] Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga
Jul 14, 2005, 4:14:06 PM UTC on [Art] Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga
yes, yes that was silly. I agree with what Karana Kaou said, I don't want to make Vegeta look exactly like he does in the anime, I want to have my own way to draw him that I like. Like Bogus Red has her way of drawing Vegeta. Just don't worry about it, I wouldn't. You responded like a mature, rational person, whereas someone like (me) would just say "No shit, Sherlock." and leave it at that.


  • Jul 14, 2005, 6:29:23 PM UTC
    *laughs* Thank you so much for all of your support, Kichi. I do try to put my own style into these characters instead of just completly copying them line for line. What would be the point of that? The point is that I do my best and of course they are not going to come out looking exactly like the originals and that person was just being dumb for thinking that it would have to to be any good, you know? Thank you so much.