Comment 86126

Comment ID 86126

[Art] Survivor- Sketch
Oct 31, 2011, 8:02:57 PM UTC on [Art] Survivor- Sketch
The hip that's bearing the weight would be the higher one, the other hip usually drops. Here it looks like she's stepping forward but hasn't shifted her weight yet to her front leg. The only other thing that jumps out at me is the angle of her shoulders - typically our shoulders shift opposite to our hips; so if her right hip is dropped, her left shoulder should be dropped slightly. Otherwise I think you've got a good start! The elbows might be a little thin, but it's hard to tell without knowing how stylized/realistic you're going for.


  • Nov 2, 2011, 2:19:42 AM UTC
    Thank you. I cant seem to figure the hips and never really thought about the shoulders. Thank you again.