Comment 90235

Parent Comment

Mar 1, 2016, 3:07:00 PM UTC
Oooh, a neat design! I really like the color choices.

Comment ID 90235

[Art] Concept art- Ophelia
Mar 1, 2016, 9:45:15 PM UTC on [Art] Concept art- Ophelia
Thank you Smile The royal family in my story have recently had major revamps done to them... or at least the ladies have had some. I still need to work on the men a bit for their visual language, but so far, the Princesses all have different looks to them which I'm happy with Smile


  • Mar 2, 2016, 4:13:06 PM UTC
    Well you certainly seem to have a knack for design! I've always struggled with it, so I'm a little starry-eyed whenever I see people work out diversity in character appearances and such!
    • Mar 2, 2016, 8:59:00 PM UTC
      Well, the diversity in character appearance thing is a separate skill to art, and it's all about themes. It can totally be practiced. I haven't formally studied I'm but a lot I found out accidently with an ace attorney fic I did. People responded positively to me giving my oc Skunk hair markings, and I noticed that the more iconic things I added, the more people liked them. I've done some character design research. There is books out there on it, like with colour meanings over all shapes, posers, stances, etc... I'm still learning, but design is really fun for me to do. Themes go well, cause they allow for costume changes without losing who they are. the themes are cool too, cause they can drive personality or harmonize personality aspects. It's something you could learn though if you want. Try doing a redesign of an oc or a character you love and give it a theme. Experiment with different shapes and colours and see how it works. Make them into super heroes, or Lolita, or an animal... anything is cool. It'll be hard at first, but it gets better the more you go crazy and try stuff out Smile I'm no expert on it, but what I do, I do for fun, and it's totally a skill you need to develop, so if you're interested, just go for it Smile
      • Mar 4, 2016, 3:22:39 PM UTC
        That's some really good advice, thank you! I've been wanting to practice enriching different character designs for a while and I have... well... one that I'm happy with, out of dozens >_< It's tough, man.
        Fortunately though, I have a lot of characters with really fleshed-out personalities in my head who I can subject to practice. I just need the time to DO it.
        • Mar 6, 2016, 10:55:14 AM UTC
          Yeah- time is the important thing. And it sucks trodding on actual art inspiration to do something you're good at just to try something new. And it does wear you out. I can see the interest in putting it off XD
          • Mar 13, 2016, 3:01:44 AM UTC
            And also just laziness and procrastination. Not that I know any other artists who have that problem. XD