Comment 91552

Comment ID 91552

[Art] Idril Celebrindal
Apr 18, 2017, 1:38:19 AM UTC on [Art] Idril Celebrindal
Celebrindal, princess of Gondolin. <3 A watchful king's daughter. She could be pretty badass too - the whole "why yes I will put on chainmail and fight my way out of this city while carrying my toddler" thing is just wow <3 - but it's cool to see a pretty peacetime look for her.
Nice belt, BTW! I bet it would be fun to fabricate something like that.


  • Apr 18, 2017, 4:18:09 AM UTC
    Ahh yass, another badass lady! Mr Tolkien knew how to write female characters Smile
    I imagined her very regal, very poised..
    That belt 😂 Omg how I came up with those strange, unfeasible renditions of clothes and accessories will always be a mistery to me!
    • Apr 20, 2017, 5:24:09 AM UTC
      ...I think I saw a similar belt on a cosplayer once, actually?