Comment 9173

Comment ID 9173

[Art] Fallender
Jul 22, 2005, 4:28:58 PM UTC on [Art] Fallender
Thank goodness you pointed that out for me Lloyd. I don't think I would have ever noticed that he loves weapons. Laughing I absolutely ADORE the way you put such fine detail into every tiny little piece of armor, weaponry, clothing , et cetera. Every little element becomes a masterpiece all on it's own. Then when you put it together with the rest of the drawing, it turns into something really spectacular. I have noticed with your artwork as well as Zacula's that no matter how much detail you put into your drawings, they always seem perfectly balanced and not overdone at all. That is an amazing feat to achieve, my friend. Anyway, I am glad that I have finally got some time to do some reviews here. There is so much beautiful artwork that I have been missing out on. Especially yours.


  • Jul 23, 2005, 2:59:06 AM UTC
    Once again I humbly thank you my LadyAnime. Your compliments and praises do much in the way of building my confidence to try even more daring artwork and concepts. You make me want to attempt to put even more details in my work and you also make my cheeks turn red.
    • Jul 23, 2005, 12:10:09 PM UTC
      Aww, I made you blush! You are so very humble. ^_^ Like I have said so many times before and will say many more times, I love your art. You bring something to the art world that is mysterious and just phenomenal.