Comment 94993

Comment ID 94993

[Art] The Ways We See Things
Nov 11, 2019, 11:33:49 PM UTC on [Art] The Ways We See Things
Another beautiful dragon piece! you captured the feeling of a storm well.

i see you requested a critique. one thing that I think might make this piece stronger is more contrast. right now you have a lot of mid tones. one technique you could try that would help give you a stronger composition is to make foreground elements darker (such as the tree branches and the dragon in the forground). This would help it feel even more dramatic.

Another suggestion for you is to observe the shapes that the negative space of the branches is creating to add more interest to the composition.

Nice job!


  • Nov 11, 2019, 11:43:30 PM UTC
    i went ahead and did a mockup for you of what a darker foreground could look like. see attached. notice that it creates a lot more depth
    Image attached
  • Nov 11, 2019, 11:44:36 PM UTC
    here's what i meant about the negative shapes. see attached think about the negative shapes that are created with the tree branches. next time you could try adding more branches and look at the negative shapes being created and add more interest to them.
    Image attached