Comment 99688

Parent Comment

Nov 13, 2020, 6:55:28 PM UTC
Your daily explorations through the kelp forest make you exhausted as you rest on a big rock with small openings in them. As you rest up you notice a bunch of sharks gathering around a small gap. All that ruffling made you curious so you end up looking at what the fuss is about. After chasing all the shark away You notice something while shining in it, It seems to be an aqrion egg, completely abandoned by the fish skeletons lying next to it. So you decide to take it to your den.

Male - Frilled Giant Aqrion
Kelp Forest - Healthy
Soil Torch Shade Ribbed Tabby Topaz Pangare Tipped
Mutations - Axanthic, Kraken, Ribbon Fins

Your egg has been removed from your Inventory :3

Comment ID 99688

Nov 20, 2020, 7:24:49 PM UTC


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