PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1315 Members

Eláfkeria ARPG - Design Approval & Corrections

  1. Posted on Dec 10, 2020, 1:38:36 AM UTC
    ID: 31531 | #1
    Level 1


    { Eláfkeria Design Approvals & Corrections }


    Welcome! Please use this forum to submit your design for approval or corrections.


    You can read the guide on how to get ready for Approvals in the Designing & Approving Help Guide.


    To submit a request for import changes, please go to Import Changes [ link pending ].


    For any questions regarding an admin's judging, please reply to their comment. For questions regarding anything else, please go to our Discord server's help channels.


    Rules & Steps



    • Only one design per form/comment.

    • You must ALWAYS log your request within this Google Form to properly add it to the queue. Requests not logged there will be skipped as they won't appear within the queue.

    • You can submit up to five designs to Approvals per month.

    • There is no submission limit for Corrections.

    • If your links are not workinng, you will be sent to resubmit your form.

    • If your submission is a public post instead of a hidden one, you will be sent to resubmit your form. Read how to hide your post here.

    • Do NOT delete your files until it has been officially uploaded to the Master Book. This includes previous versions of corrections.


    To get your design ready for approval:

    • Check out the Designing & Approving Help Guide for a detailed, step-by-step process on how to get ready for Approvals.

    Design your Eláfkeri in the corresponding import base.

    • Save the file as a .png with the original dimensions.

    • Upload the .png to your hidden gallery. ( Check out the help guide above for the step-by-step process ).

    • Fill out the import information in the submission's description.

    • Submit your approval request to the forum with the corresponding form!


    To get your design ready for corrections:

    • Edit the design's original .psd file ( not the PaperDemon submission ) to reflect the admin's corrections.

    • Save the file as a .png, upload it as a different hidden submission, and fill out the import iformation again. Do not edit any previous submissions.

    • Submit your correction request to the forum with the corresponding form!


    Notes & Tips


    Some things worth keeping in mind!


    • Always check the design guides!

    • Make sure you haven't colored outside the base.

    • Make sure you pick your colors from the official sliders.

    • Remember you cannot edit the line work nor use line work editing items on unapproved genos.

    • Keep in mind items such as Marking Add-Ons do not get deposited in inventory, and you need to save the official comment as proof. We do not keep track of this for you.


    Design Approvals - First-Time Owners


    This form is solely for those who have never owned an uploaded import before! These forms are prioritized for them to be able to begin their journey without too much a wait.

    Don't forget to fill out the form once you've posted your request.


    To submit your design to Approvals, please fill out the following form as a reply to this forum:


    PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]

    First-Time Design: [ link to design ]

    Proof of Ownership: [ link to the comment that officially proves you're the owner ]

    Items: [ list any used items, and proof of ownership if not found in your inventory ]

    Design Notes: [ anything important you'd like admins to keep in mind. Optional ]

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!


    Design Approvals


    This form is for design approvals! If your design has received an admin comment with corrections, please fill go to the section below instead.

    Don't forget to fill out the form once you've posted your request.


    To submit your design to Approvals, please fill out the following form as a reply to this forum:


    PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]

    Design: [ link to design ]

    Proof of Ownership: [ link to the comment that officially proves you're the owner ]

    Items: [ list any used items, and proof of ownership if not found in your inventory ]

    Monthly Submission Number: [ number of your submission this month. Remember, 5 per month! ]

    Design Notes: [ anything important you'd like admins to keep in mind. Optional ]


    Design Corrections


    This form is for design corrections! If your design has received an admin comment with corrections, this is the right place!

    Don't forget to fill out the form once you've posted your request.


    To submit your design to Corrections, please fill out the following form as a reply to this forum:


    PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]

    Design: [ link to design ]

    Previous Version(s): [ link all previous versions of this design ]

    Correction Comment: [ link last Corrections admin comment you received for this design ]

    Proof of Ownership: [ link to the comment that officially proves you're the owner ]

    Items: [ list any used items, and proof of ownership if not found in your inventory ]

    Design Notes: [ anything important you'd like admins to keep in mind. Optional ]



    Last edited by Kosmos-Archive on Jan 4, 2021, 7:52:26 PM UTC. 9 total edits.

  2. Posted on Dec 13, 2020, 5:56:55 AM UTC
    ID: 31575 | #2
    Level 6

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership: Starter

    Design Notes: cw Adorable

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!

  3. Posted on Dec 13, 2020, 10:17:48 PM UTC
    ID: 31583 | #3
    Level 4

    On Dec 13, 2020, DopeyOakeyNuts said:

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership: Starter

    Design Notes: cw Adorable

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!


    — SheepMomther

  4. Posted on Dec 30, 2020, 7:50:18 AM UTC
    ID: 31846 | #6
    Level 5

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership:

    Design Notes: I apologize if there are any weird square like bumps in my lines, the import image is so large that it glitches out my computer and forces me to use laso select to get any coloring done (aside from bucket tool for quick fills). 

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!

  5. Posted on Dec 30, 2020, 11:56:57 PM UTC
    ID: 31849 | #7
    Level 4

    On Dec 30, 2020, SheepMomther said:

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership:

    Design Notes: -

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!


    One more step! You have a lovely little lady here, but there are  one a few corrections you'll need to do before we can approve this:

    - The point of Sun dips a little too low, so it doesn't quite cover the minimum required range! 
    - Unders curves a little too low along the side/behind the front leg and needs to be a little higher to cover the minimum coverage. 
    - In the import information, make sure you list Eye Dots as the free marking!
    Once you've made the corrections, please reupload your Eláfkeri through the Design Corrections form in the forum. 
    -- DopeyOakeyNuts
  6. Posted on Dec 31, 2020, 12:58:35 AM UTC
    ID: 31850 | #8
    Level 4

    On Dec 30, 2020, snini9 said:

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership:

    Design Notes: I apologize if there are any weird square like bumps in my lines, the import image is so large that it glitches out my computer and forces me to use laso select to get any coloring done (aside from bucket tool for quick fills). 

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!


    — DopeyOakeyNuts

  7. Posted on Jan 1, 2021, 2:33:27 AM UTC
    ID: 31911 | #9
    Level 1

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership:

    Design Notes: -

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!

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