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Post 32397 - RavenPride222 [user16567]

  1. Posted on Jan 25, 2021, 5:01:37 PM UTC
    ID: 32397

    On Jan 13, 2021, RavenPride222 said:

    Player Log: https://www.paperdemon.com/forums/forum-dracostryx-player-logs/5292_ravenpride222-user16567/

    Location of Error: Request error? Event inventory error? Purchase was mistaken for a roll request

    Description of Error:
    I tried to purchase 2 trick or treat buckets with pumpkin points (that thread is the correct place for pumpkin point purchases, right? I copied the form from the start post):

    But it was mistaken for a bucket roll request:


    Please give me my 2 buckets Smile


    Error fixed!