
Open group | 555 Members

Post 37025 - Custom Companion Approvals [CLOSED]

  1. Posted on Oct 29, 2021, 7:29:17 PM UTC
    ID: 37025

    If you are unfamiliar with how MYO Companions work, please read about them HERE before submitting a request!

    Please do NOT have conversations here; we must keep this area clutter free for our admins' sakes. If you have questions, please ask in our Discord Server.


    To submit a request, please fill out the appropriate form from below and reply to this thread

    Only one Import per request comment, please. However you may request multiple changes to the same import in one comment.




    If uploading a Custom Companion, please use the following form

    Companion Design: (DA/PD sta.sh)

    Proof of Ownership: (link to myo asset)


    If editing an existing Custom Companion or a MYO token, please use the following form

    Link to Companion: (link PD asset)

    New Design: (DA/PD sta.sh)


    Uploader Use ONLY!

    Next Request: