Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Monthly Challenge

Ongoing Challenges can be viewed here: HERE


All monthly challenges must be completed during the month in order to receive the item and pearl prizes.

These may only be claimed once!


You may draw the challenges at any time and may be completed by multiple dragons.

You must link the monthly challenge in order to receive the bonus SP.




- Entries must be Fullbody, Coloured or Grayscale, and contain at least a Standard Background.
- Literature must be 700 Word Count. For every additional participating dragon, you must add 150 Words to your piece.
- Multiple dragons may participate together. A maximum of 4 dragons may participate.
- Collaborations are also welcome!


- Entries must be posted on PD before the end date of the month. 
- Submit them to the SP Counting que.
- Once counted, you may submit them to the Reward Redemption que for your rewards. 
- These may be submitted after the due date and will be honoured, as long as the entry piece was posted on PD before the end date.


- Your dragon will recieve +6 SP when completing the Monthly Challenge.