Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

✪ Boarding passes

All aboard, all aboard. Keep it orderly, yeah?

The station is an ever-busy hub of traffic between all sorts of places, and while there's plenty of employees to handle more trivial rail trips, it's the stationmaster himself that handles boarding passes to mystery dungeons.

Many find him unassuming at first, and can sometimes find his flat affect hard to approach. But Stationmaster Victor is a master of his profession, and truly has a passion for harboring a sense of adventure.

Upon your turn in line, he greets you with his usual flat-faced expression... but the way he asks you where you'll be going today seems to have a spark of curiosity in it.

Welcome aboard! Here, you can request boarding pass rolls, used to enter various mystery dungeons! These boarding passes contain potential prompt starters for your dungeoneering, as well as the pokemon you'll be able to recruit upon completion!

While your boarding pass will be visually represented as an item in your inventory, your actual ticket details will be located in your private messages. Be sure to keep the message confirming your boarding pass handy, as it contains info you'll need to submit your work to the dungeon's queue!

You may only have one boarding pass per dungeon at a time. Upon completion of a pass, you can request a new one for that dungeon!

Dungeon directory

✮ 1-Star

No entry requirements

✮✮ 2-Star

Leader must be LV 25+

✮✮✮ 3-Star

Leader must be LV 50+

✮✮✮✮ 4-Star

Leader must be LV 75+


✮✮✮✮✮ 5-Star

Leader must be LV 90+