PaperDemon Art RPG

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Keldael #pd1381

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedJul 1, 2023, 11:00:33 PM
Date last editedJul 3, 2023, 10:04:09 AM
Owner Djjohnsen13
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Keldael Din-Turuk

Character Age: 22

Character Species: half-demon

Hair color: slate grey

Eye color: black sclera with purple irises


Brief biography: Born of a human mother, Keldael never knew his father. He grew up with a strong sense of justice and joined a paladinic order when he was 8- just old enough to be a squire. He was physically and mentally gifted and was selected to rise in the range to brotherhood in the Order. He underwent the training that was required and excelled in combat training and studies, but fell short on decorum and etiquette. The priests in charge of training him in those aspects wrote him off as a lost cause in those and decided to train him as more of a crusader instead of a public face. His appointment to full brotherhood in the order was to take place on his 16th birthday. A month before that happened, though, he began showing signs of his father's side- the demon his mother had slept with to conceive him, because she had been barren and desperate. He began to grow shale scales from his back, the whites of his eyes started to darken, his teeth began to sharpen and elongate and he grew a ridged horn from his right temple. The changes started off small and he was able to conceal them for the most part, but his transformation was found out three days before his induction into the Order. The paladins were zealous purgers of demons, and they found that he was one in their midst. The head paladin judged that although he had been seen as a human and trained in their ways, the demonic taint on his body and soul would not be allowed in the Order. They could not kill aomeone they viewed as a brother, but because of what he was, Keldael could not go unpunished. The head priest stripped him of what was supposed to be his title, had his former brothers beat him within an inch of his life and thrown out of his previous home. As he lay bleeding and broken, Keldael begged any deity that would listen for help in correcting the injustice that had been dealt to him, and a demonic patron, his father, answered his calls. Being branded as an Oathbreaker, Keldael retained his training as a paladin, but also has the tainted powers of a warlock at his disposal and in between doing good for those who need it, he hunts the previous members of his order, dispatching justice as it is needed.


Description: A tall, bulky man with pale complexion, wearing pieced together armor more often than not. His eyes are solid black and show the sadness of one who has lost more than their fair share in life. He has one ridged horn sprouting from his right temple, broken off eight or so inches from his skin and shale plates like scales running from the base of his skull down his shoulders and spine and along his forearms and thighs. Scars cross his body from head to toe, the most prominent one crossing his face and keeping the right side of his face locked in an eternal grimace.

  • 10
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Steamroller Talisman Ability

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