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Famine #pd2057

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Character data
Date addedAug 1, 2023, 6:31:21 AM
Date last editedAug 1, 2023, 9:23:29 PM
Owner TheNuggetFamine
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Famine Nickita Florence

Character Age: 5½ (5524 human years)

Character Species: Based off the Manticore from Mythology, but has attributes from other creatures, the creature itself is called a Curse

Hair color: Fur, Brown

Eye color: Green


Brief biography: Famine is a creation made by a fallen goddess known as Nothens, who despises humans. She created 4 creation, the previous 3 failing and starting a revolution against her. For her final one, it was known as The Prototype, a puppet for her that would do all she says. Becyof the previous Curses betraying Nothens, she makes this one with a back up plan, that it has to consume souls, because it's core constantly drains it's power, and without the souls of the living, it will perish. But after several years, one of the previous creations kidnapped The Prototype and tried to fix it, resulting in Famine. All Curses are powers by a Core, and during Famine being fixed, his core was broken. This results in Famine having a odd personality as haft the time he is a hyper and frankly stupid child, but whenever he encounters a human, he will go out if his way to kill them to keep himself alive.


Description: Famine is a large manticore-like creature with it's body being based off both a Liger and a Komodo dragon. He has a long dragon/lizard like neck, which can open to reveal a mouth with several teeth that goes down to his shoulder blades. He has small wings that are practically useless. He has a Scorpion tail that can inject paralysis venom, as well as open up into three peices to be able to shoot darts in a similar fashion to a porcupine to get long range enemies. His from feet are large paws similar to a Ligar, and his back feet are similar to a Carnotaurus. All of them have paw pads. Famine's face is very similar to a Ligar, but he has large horns on the base of his forehead, they don't have much of a purpose other than intimidation. He has his skull visable on the outside of his face as a form of body armor. Famine has a very large mouth, a regular sized one that curls into a permanent smile, and another on his neck that connects to his smaller one. The smaller one can be operated independent of the larger one. Famine has body plates along his back to act as armor. He also has large spikes called pins which can vibrate to create a loud buzzing noise when he feels threatened to warn others. Famine is rather large and chubby, so he can purposely and accidentally hurt others by ramming against them.

Famine is 9 feet tall when quadrilateral. He is 25 feet long. When bipedal he is 16 feet. He weighs 1928lb.

  • 7
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability

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