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Ravi #pd2475

75 / 100
Character data
Date addedAug 29, 2023, 9:12:53 AM
Date last editedNov 14, 2023, 5:00:28 PM
Owner DawnOfOtter
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Ravi Atlas

Gender: Has the appearance of a male but does not have a gender as they are an element.

Character Age: 159 (Looks like they're in early 20's)

Character Species: They are a shadow element that can take the form of a human.

Hair color: Deep black

Eye color: Purple

Skin color: Porcelan. (Ravi has a hard time generating colors on their human form and so they only tend to focus on the eyes.)

Build: Thin and lean, but clearly very strong. Their face has a kind appearance to it, but don't be fooled.

Powers: Shadow energy. This can be used as a cloaking device, or a weapon. It entirely depends on how the user shapes the shadow.

Likes: Mushrooms, the sun, castles, water, action/danger, being in control (in all things), flying

Dislikes: Excessive amounts of heat, machines, and toes (they can tolerate theirs)

Fears: Monkeys
Flaws: Only speaks when they want to. They do not respond if they do not want to. They are very anxious when they see doctors/people with lab coats and it can send them into a panic attack.
Style: Blacks and purples are their go to color choices, because they work well with shadow powers. They wear sturdy boots whether tall or short and looser pants to better align with the ripples of a shadow. Both short and long cloaks are part of their wardrobe.
Personality: Very hard to figure out because they don’t speak much. They almost seem like a stalker sometimes. Once you get to know them, they are quite careing and considerate. At least, as long as it doesn't relate to their past.
Other: One of their few personal posessions is a large tablet.
Birthday: ???
Accessories: A small onyx stone with an inlaid amathyst fashioned on their neck like a choker. One pierced ear with a dangling chain.
Family: ???

Brief biography: Ravi was created through experiments done by humans. They escaped around the age of 23, but they weren't entirely sure if that age was accurate. Ravi wasn't entirely sure if their love for traveling was because they loved to travel or because they feared getting caught. Thankfully, it wasn't mandetory for them to eat human/solid food, but they still required shadows/darkness to regnenrate their energy. However, one item they loved to eat was mushrooms, probably because mushrooms also thrived in the dark. They learned from books, experience, and following others. This provided the knowledge necessary to finally create a human form, made of solidified shadows. Ravi knows there are other shadows, but not how many there are. Their element was hunted down by the other elements because of fear. None of the elements liked darkness, and they feared that would happen if they left the Shadows alive.



Ravi is thin and lean, measuring 6' 7" in height. Their ears are slightly pointed, but not as dramatic as an elf's ear. (On the pinterest board is a picture of a man with white hair, and this is close to the facial structure of what they have.) Unfortunately they have a hard time generating color so their skin is very white. Their hair is black and shoulder length but they prefer to tie it back. One of the few aspects that they focused on for themselves was purple eyes. Purple is a very settling color for Ravi. Blacks and purples are their go to color choices, because they work well with shadow powers. They wear black ankle boots with loose black pants. It provides them help with blending in to shadows when they are in their human form. They like to wear a variety of cloaks, both short ones that only go to their shoulders and long cloaks that go all the way down past their ankles. A small onyx stone with an inlaid amethyst which is fashioned on their neck like a choker. The band part of the choaker is leather and on the thinner side, but not string thin. One pierced ear with a chain dangling from it.

(On the pinterest board are also some clothing ideas. The types of purples that Ravi wears are on the darker side, so disregard the brighter purples. It is NOT required to stick with the clothes on the pinterest board. They are just recommendations and the overall style of what Ravi tends to wear. The main requirements for Ravi's hair is that it is black and has the appearance of being, or is, shoulder length. The only no's by way of hair is it can't be pin straight and it can't be extremely tight curls like african/african-american hair.)


Pinterest Board: Ravi Atlas

  • 111
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability

NOTE: Only the first 100 items are loaded on this page.


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